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ÀÛ¼ºÀÚ kaap
ÀÛ¼ºÀÏÀÚ 2016-07-05
Á¶È¸¼ö 598

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¡¤ Management of complex calendar and scheduling

¡¤ Manage domestic and international travel

¡¤ Manage expense report coordination and submission

¡¤ Organize, execute, and assist with team activities (staff meeting agendas, all-hands meetings, off-sites, and team social events)

¡¤ Track and help drive completion of key deliverables and follow up on outstanding items

¡¤ Act as a liaison for direct reports

¡¤ Management of team space, including moves and reconfigurations

¡¤ Work closely with the leadership team, recruiting and other Executive Assistants to provide support to the organization

¡¤ Manage a small team with a few EAs

¡¤ Document writing, editing, and readiness 

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Ãâó: http://www.work.go.kr/empInfo/empInfoSrch/detail/retrivePriEmpDtlView.do?iorgGbcd=CIN&callPage=detail&wantedAuthNo=1607050016006&rtnUrl=/empInfo/empInfoSrch/list/dtlEmpSrchList.do?len=0&tot=0&relYn=N&totalEmpCount=0&jobsCount=0&mainSubYn=N&lastIndex=1&siteClcd=all&academicGbnoEdu=noEdu&firstIndex=1&pageSize=10&recordCountPerPage=10&preferentialGbn=all&rowNo=0&softMatchingPossibleYn=N&benefitSrchAndOr=O&keyword=%EB%B9%84%EC%84%9C&charSet=EUC-KR&startPos=0&collectionName=tb_workinfo&softMatchingMinRate=66&softMatchingMaxRate=100&certifiYn=N&preferentialYn=Y&preferential=all&&empTpGbcd=1&onlyTitleSrchYn=N&onlyContentSrchYn=N&serialversionuid=3990642507954558837&resultCnt=10&sortOrderBy=DESC&sortField=DATE&pageIndex=3&pageUnit=10

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